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The Costume Of Hindostan (Second Edition, 1807)


About this Book

Second edition of the rare illustrated description of Hindostan (India, precisely British India at that time) by the Belgian Painter Francois Balthazar Solvyns, 1807.

Large Folio. Text in English and French; 60 hand-colored engraved plates by Scott or Vivares after Solvyns watermarked 1804, 1805; occasionally with tissue guards. Contemporary green morocco-backed boards, original spine re-laid, fleural gilt decorations, smooth spine gilt. The text is in English and French, there is very slight offsetting from plate to text. Images are internally clean and bright.

Solvyns was a Belgian painter and engraver who lived in Calcutta from 1791 to 1803. His paintings and engravings offer a rare and well-documented glimpse of the costumes and diverse professions in 18th century Calcutta. This work was first published in 12 parts in a commercially unsuccessful series called “A collection of two hundred and fifty coloured etchings descriptive of the manners, customs and dresses of the Hindoos” in Calcutta in 1799. Later Edward Orme commissioned these 60 engravings based on Solvyns’ original watercolors and these were ultimately published in book form for the first time in 1804.  The second edition followed in 1807 and the book remained in publication for many years due to the popularity of the images.

Check out the First edition of this book offered at https://timelesstalesrarebooks.com/product/the-costume-of-hindostan-elucidated-by-sixty-coloured-engravings-with-descriptions-in-english-and-french-taken-in-the-years-1798-and-1799-first-edition-copy/

Bibliographic Details

Title: The Costume of Hindostan, elucidated by sixty coloured engravings

Publisher: Edward Orme, London

Publication Date: 1807

Binding: Hardcover, green morocco

Condition: Very Good

Edition: 2nd Edition


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The Costume Of Hindostan (Second Edition, 1807)