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De La Sfera del Mondo (First Edition)


About this Book

FIRST edition (1540) of the most significant contribution to the field of Astronomy. De La Sfera Del Mondo [bound with] Dele Stelle Fisse. Hardcover, Quarter bound mottled calf over paper (imitation tree calf), with orange label and gilt lettering and patterns on spine, all edges red speckle-stained. 4to.

This edition contains two of Piccolomini’s works – his treatise on Aristotelian-Ptolemaic cosmology Della sfera del mondo, and the star atlas Delle stelle fisse. Their popularity was shown by the numerous sixteenth-century editions that were printed.

Delle stelle fisse was the FIRST PRINTED STAR ATLAS, and its novelty was that the constellations were depicted as seen from Earth and with attention to the actual positioning and scale of the stars within the constellation, rather than showing the object or person representing the constellation which was the case with earlier astronomical texts. De le Stelle Fisse (The Fixed Stars) includes 47 star maps in which Piccolomini considered important aspects such as scale and brightness, and labeled the stars for the first time with letters.

The Sienese astronomer Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1578) applied the Ptolemaic model (with Earth at center) in his The Sphere of the World.

Bibliographic Details

Title: Della sfera del mondo and Delle stelle fisse

Publisher: Giovanantonio & Dominico fratelli de Volpini da Castelgiufredo

Publication Date: 1540

Binding: Hardcover

Condition: Very Good

Edition: First


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De La Sfera del Mondo (First Edition)